All custom whip orders currently have a minimum
12 month lead time

1st place
Los Angeles Whip Convention
Leather Whipmaking

1st place - Open Decorative Stockwhip Australian Plaiters and Whipmakers Association's
2018 Australian Plaiting Championships
Kangaroo Whips
Collection of our Custom-Made Kangaroo Whips. We make all types of Kangaroo Whips from short Western and Dog Quirts, Signal Whips, Snake Whips, Stock Whips and Bullwhips from 4ft to 20ft+.
​All our Kangaroo Whips are custom made to order using 1st grade veg-tanned kangaroo hides. Wait times for orders may vary from two weeks to four months depending on the availability of hides and time of year

Nylon Whips
Collection of our Custom-Made Nylon Whips. We make all types of Nylon Whips from Signal Whips, Snake Whips, Stock Whips and Bullwhips from 4ft to 20ft+.
All our Nylon whips are made in the same way as our Kangaroo Whips only plaited using nylon parachute cord instead of Kangaroo
Wait times for orders may vary from two weeks to four months depending on the availability of colors and time of year.